About BalkanREACH

Thank you for your interest in BalkanREACH! This is a pioneer initiative to bring spiritual transformation to the least-reached area of Europe. It is based on Psalm 2:8, “Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession,” and birthed from a prophetic call. On December 8, 2013, the Holy Spirit spoke to us very clearly and said, “Just like Joshua and Caleb in Canaan, I have given you the Balkans, and I am moving the mountains of the Balkans before you.” We are moving forward by faith to fulfill these promises.

Did you know that of the 42 million people in the Balkans, over 99% have yet to hear an adequate witness of the gospel? For centuries, the Balkans has been scarred by nationalistic wars, ethnic division, and ancient hostilities. Today, it remains the least-reached, least-known, and least-represented area of Europe. Most communities have little or no witness of the gospel. You’ll find few missionaries and isolated churches. The vast majority of people have never met a true follower of Jesus. This must change, and the time is now.

BalkanREACH is working as a catalyst to penetrate the darkness and advance the kingdom of God through five kingdom priorities: Revival, Evangelism, Apostolic teams, Church planting and Holy Spirit empowerment.


The Balkan church needs a fresh wind of the Spirit and revitalization. We are working to help revive local churches, renew pastors and believers, and reinvigorate passion for reaching the lost. Revival will only come through sincere repentance, earnest prayer, bold proclamation, and absolute surrender to the will of God.


Jesus came to seek and save the lost. We live to do the same. Our goal is to win a million souls for Jesus. With man, this is impossible, BUT WITH GOD, all things are possible!

Apostolic Teams

We are mobilizing called, committed, courageous people to join multi-national, multi-agency teams to accomplish this pioneer work. We need people who are not afraid of hard work or hard places and who are willing to lose themselves for the sake of the gospel.

Church Planting

We are committed to establishing new churches where they do not exist and seeing church planting movements thrive throughout the region. Our priority is forging partnerships with national churches, local pastors, and missionaries to establish indigenous churches that will be self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating.

Holy Spirit Empowerment

As Spirit-filled believers, we completely depend on the guidance, empowerment, and supernatural work of the Holy Spirit as we boldly proclaim the gospel and trust God to confirm the Message with miraculous power.